Tuesday, October 23, 2007

How To:

Get In The Game

Yes we all know that is good to go to school and learn your craft, but in the Entertainment Industry--FORGET ABOUT IT. That degree is just a ticket to perhaps get your foot in the door. The rest is left up to you and a little bit of luck. You might as well put that in your back pocket and save it for later. It's all about the "HUSTLE"

In the Entertainment Industry (especially Music, Fashion and Magazines) it's not what you know but who you know. We all hate this word, but its all about--NETWORKING!!!

Although some may accredit a long history of sexual favors to their success, that is not the case at all! What really counts is how you blend with whomever you work with, and above all, while interning, DO NOT--I REPEAT DO NOT show any attitude. You are paying dues, so s

It took me many years to get into the game, I started Freshman Year in College--START AS EARLY AS YOU CAN! I received the pivotal opportunity from someone in my college class that already worked at a major label.


Executive don't respect the standing outside the building passing out your demo scenario. They just look at those people as stalkers or groupies. Nowadays you have to go even harder. I have so many demos sitting by my feet everyday. The best time to try to be noticed is at events, friendly functions, and SEIZE THE MOMENT, but don't STALK or Be Overly Aggressive.

If you're going to stalk anyone--once you're interning by the way--STALK Human Resources. The people who you should be attacking is the Human Resources department.. Most executives are so busy on cloud 9 to pay attention to you wanting to get in the game. The assistants, hr people, and street teams are mostly the ones who look for people on a constant basis. Though can be bullsh** too.... Be weary of empty promises Ladies and Gentleman empty. In Entertainment, no one will look out for you but yourself.


The B-Side Blog

Because we'll try our best to give you consistent updates on where to get it in!

Friends or Family
Nowadays when dealing with corporate companies, friends will get you in easier than family because of nepotism guidelines. Be a good friend/family member and realize you may need more than a good word from them to get you in. But when they can...Its SWEEET!

Meetings and Functions
Be careful. At events sometimes people are just there to party and have a good time. People in the entertainment industry work 20 hr days and the only thing they want to do is kick back and let off some steam with their already established collegues. The best way to go about getting those connections is keep going to these events (Events, parties, galas, college functions, industry panels). The more the people see you out and about, the more they'll, A. Remember your face (and remember you on a good note), B. Think you're well-connected and trust that you can do the job and C. think you have drive.

STAY TUNED--For My Review of the Red Star Alicia Keys Showcase @ Spotlight.

~The Blue Diamond~

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